※ 実行はコマンドプロンプトから、cscript table-spec.wsf として下さい。 ※ Excel でテーブル設計書を作成する部分は他のデータベースでも可能ですが、それ用の SQL を考える必要があります。 table-spec.wsf
<JOB> <RUNTIME> <DESCRIPTION> ******************************************************************* プログラム名 : SQLServer 用表情報のレポート (複数実行) ******************************************************************* </DESCRIPTION> <EXAMPLE> 引数無し </EXAMPLE> </RUNTIME> <COMMENT> ************************************************************ 対象テーブルリスト ************************************************************ </COMMENT> <RESOURCE id="TableList"> 社員マスタ 商品マスタ </RESOURCE> <COMMENT> ************************************************************ オブジェクト定義 ************************************************************ </COMMENT> <REFERENCE object="ADODB.Connection" /> <OBJECT id="Cn" progid="ADODB.Connection" /> <OBJECT id="Rs" progid="ADODB.Recordset" /> <OBJECT id="ExcelApp" progid="Excel.Application" /> <OBJECT id="WshShell" progid="WScript.Shell" /> <OBJECT id="Fso" progid="Scripting.FileSystemObject" /> <COMMENT> ************************************************************ 外部スクリプト定義 ************************************************************ </COMMENT> <COMMENT> ************************************************************ カレントスクリプト ************************************************************ </COMMENT> <SCRIPT language=VBScript> Dim str,strMessage,Target,strCurDir ' ********************************************************** ' 作成される Excel ブック ' ********************************************************** Target = "table_spec_ss.xlsx" strCurDir = WScript.ScriptFullName strCurDir = Replace( strCurDir, WScript.ScriptName, "" ) Target = strCurDir & Target Dim strSERVER,strDATABASE,strUSER,strPASS ' ********************************************************** ' データベース接続情報 ' ********************************************************** strSERVER = ".\sqlexpress" strDATABASE = "lightbox" strUSER = "sa" strPASS = "password" ' ********************************************************** ' コマンドプロンプトより起動される為の処理 ' ********************************************************** str = WScript.FullName str = Right( str, 11 ) str = Ucase( str ) if str <> "CSCRIPT.EXE" then strMessage = "コマンドプロンプトより cscript " & WScript.ScriptFullName strMessage = strMessage & " と指定して実行して下さい " & vbCrLf & vbCrLf strMessage = strMessage & "( この文字列をクリップボードにコピーしたい場合は" strMessage = strMessage & " ctrl+c です )" WScript.Echo strMessage WScript.Quit end if ' ********************************************************** ' Excel 用定数 ' ********************************************************** ' https://docs.microsoft.com/ja-jp/dotnet/api/microsoft.office.interop.excel.xlpapersize?view=excel-pia Const xlPaperB4 = 12 Const xlContinuous = 1 Const xlDash = -4115 Const xlDashDot = 4 Const xlDashDotDot = 5 Const xlDot = -4118 Const xlDouble = -4119 Const xlSlantDashDot = 13 Const xlLineStyleNone = -4142 Const xlHairline = 1 Const xlMedium = -4138 Const xlThick = 4 Const xlThin = 2 Const xlInsideHorizontal = 12 Const xlInsideVertical = 11 Const xlDiagonalDown = 5 Const xlDiagonalUp = 6 Const xlEdgeBottom = 9 Const xlEdgeLeft = 7 Const xlEdgeRight = 10 Const xlEdgeTop = 8 Const xlAutomatic = -4105 Const xlMaximized = -4137 Const xlMinimized = -4140 Const xlNormal = -4143 Const xlGeneral = 1 Const xlLeft = -4131 Const xlCenter = -4108 Const xlRight = -4152 Const xlFill = 5 Const xlJustify = -4130 Const xlCenterAcrossSelection = 7 Const xlDistributed = -4117 Const xlTop = -4160 Const xlBottom = -4107 Dim aTable,Result,Query,Query2,nCnt,strCol,aCol,nRows,nRowHeight Dim MyBook,bAction,strSystemName,strSubName Dim nColX,nColY,strSheetName,strBaseSheet Dim aData ExcelApp.Visible = False strBaseSheet = "テーブル設計雛形" strSystemName = "販売管理システム" strSubName = "売上管理" Query = "sp_columns " ' ********************************************************** ' Excel 初期処理 ' ********************************************************** aTable = Split( getResource("TableList"), vbCrLf ) ' ********************************************************** ' ブック作成 ' ********************************************************** Set MyBook = CreateBook(Target) if not IsObject( MyBook ) then ' 初期処理エラーの為、直接終了 ExcelApp.Quit ' エラーメッセージの表示 Wscript.Echo MyBook Wscript.Quit end if ' ********************************************************** ' DB 接続 ' ********************************************************** Result = SQS_DBConnect( Cn, strSERVER, strDATABASE, strUSER, strPASS ) if Result <> "" then Wscript.Echo Result Wscript.Quit end if ' ********************************************************** ' 読み出し ' ********************************************************** Wscript.Echo "処理を開始しました。しばらくお待ち下さい" bAction = False For i = 0 to Ubound( aTable ) if Trim( aTable(i) ) <> "" then if DBGet( Cn, Rs, Query & Ss( aTable(i) ), False ) then ' ************************************************ ' Excel 処理 ' ************************************************ nColX = 2 nColY = 6 if not bAction then bAction = True Call AddSheetLast( MyBook, strBaseSheet ) Call DeleteSheet(MyBook,"Sheet1" ) Call ColumnInit(MyBook,strBaseSheet) Wscript.Echo strBaseSheet & " を追加しました" end if strSheetName = ExcelCopySheet( MyBook, strBaseSheet, aTable(i) ) strSaveSheetName = strSheetName Call ExcelSetCell(MyBook, strSheetName, 2, 2, strSystemName ) Call ExcelSetCell(MyBook, strSheetName, 4, 2, strSubName ) Call ExcelSetCell(MyBook, strSheetName, 10, 2, aTable(i) ) Call ExcelSetCell(MyBook, strSheetName, 2, 4, aTable(i) ) nCnt = 1 nRowCnt = 1 nSheetCount = 1 Redim aData(0) Do While not Rs.EOF Redim Preserve aData(nCnt) aData(nCnt) = Rs.Fields("COLUMN_NAME").value & "" ' ************************************************ ' Excel 処理 ' ************************************************ Call ExcelSetCell(MyBook, strSheetName, nColX, nColY, Rs.Fields("COLUMN_NAME").value & "") Call ExcelSetCell(MyBook, strSheetName, nColX+2, nColY, Ucase(Rs.Fields("TYPE_NAME").value & "") ) if Ucase( Rs.Fields("TYPE_NAME").value & "" ) = "VARCHAR" or _ Ucase( Rs.Fields("TYPE_NAME").value & "" ) = "CHAR" or _ Ucase( Rs.Fields("TYPE_NAME").value & "" ) = "NVARCHAR"or _ Ucase( Rs.Fields("TYPE_NAME").value & "" ) = "NCHAR" then Call ExcelSetCell(MyBook, strSheetName, nColX+3, nColY, Rs.Fields("PRECISION").value & "") end if if Ucase( Rs.Fields("TYPE_NAME").value & "" ) = "DECIMAL" then Call ExcelSetCell(MyBook, strSheetName, nColX+3, nColY, Rs.Fields("PRECISION") & "") Call ExcelSetCell(MyBook, strSheetName, nColX+4, nColY, Rs.Fields("SCALE").value & "") end if nColY = nColY + 1 Rs.MoveNext nCnt = nCnt + 1 nRowCnt = nRowCnt + 1 if nRowCnt > 65 then nRowCnt = 1 nColX = 2 nColY = 6 nSheetCount = nSheetCount + 1 strSheetName = ExcelCopySheet( MyBook, strBaseSheet, aTable(i) & "(" & nSheetCount & ")" ) Call ExcelSetCell(MyBook, strSheetName, 2, 4, aTable(i) ) end if Loop strSheetName = strSaveSheetName Result = "" Query2 = "sp_helpindex " if DBGet( Cn, Rs, Query2 & Ss( aTable(i) ), False ) then Do While not Rs.EOF if Left( Rs.Fields("index_name").value & "", 1 ) <> "_" then if InStr( Rs.Fields("index_description").value & "" , "primary key" ) > 0 then nCnt = 1 strCol = Rs.Fields("index_keys").value & "" aCol = Split( strCol, ", " ) For j = 0 to Ubound( aCol ) For k = 1 to Ubound( aData ) if aCol( j ) = aData( k ) then Call ExcelSetCell(MyBook, strSheetName, 11, 5 + k, j + 1 ) end if Next Next Exit Do end if end if Rs.MoveNext Loop end if Wscript.Echo strSheetName & " を追加しました" end if end if Next ' ********************************************************** ' 接続解除 ' ********************************************************** Call DBClose( Rs ) Call DBClose( Cn ) ' ********************************************************** ' 処理終了 ' ********************************************************** Call ExcelSave(MyBook) Call ExcelQuit(MyBook) Wscript.Echo "処理が完了しました" Call ExcelLoad(Target) ' ********************************************************** ' Excel 出力用 初期処理 ' ********************************************************** Function ColumnInit(MyBook,SheetName) ' 行数 nRows = 65 nRowHeight = 13.5 Call Format_Table(MyBook,SheetName) Call Format_Page(MyBook) End Function ' ********************************************************** ' Excel 処理関数 ' ********************************************************** ' ****************************************************** ' シート名によるシート複写 ' ****************************************************** Function ExcelCopySheet(MyBook, strSheetName, strNewSheetName) MyBook.Sheets(strSheetName).Copy (MyBook.Sheets(strSheetName)) on error resume next MyBook.ActiveSheet.Name = strNewSheetName on error goto 0 ExcelCopySheet = MyBook.ActiveSheet.Name End Function ' ************************************************ ' Excel ブック作成 ' ************************************************ function CreateBook(BookPath) ExcelApp.DisplayAlerts = False ExcelApp.Workbooks.Add nBooks = ExcelApp.Workbooks.Count Set CreateBook = ExcelApp.Workbooks( nBooks ) CreateBook.Activate on error resume next Call CreateBook.SaveAs( BookPath ) if Err.Number <> 0 then CreateBook = "ERROR:" & Err.Description end if on error goto 0 End Function ' ****************************************************** ' 終了 ' ****************************************************** Function ExcelQuit(WorkBook) If TypeName(WorkBook) = "Workbook" Then ' 保存した事にする WorkBook.Saved = True End If If IsObject(ExcelApp) Then ExcelApp.Quit End If End Function ' ****************************************************** ' セルへのデータセット ' ****************************************************** Function ExcelSetCell(MyBook, strSheetName, x, y, Data) MyBook.Sheets(strSheetName).Cells(y, x) = Data End Function ' ****************************************************** ' 先頭にシートを追加 ' ****************************************************** function AddSheetTop( MyBook, SheetName ) Dim Worksheet Dim Worksheet2 Set Worksheet = MyBook.Worksheets( 1 ) Worksheet.Activate Workbook.Worksheets.Add Set Worksheet2 = Workbook.ActiveSheet on error resume next Worksheet2.Name = SheetName on error goto 0 AddSheetTop = Worksheet2.Name end function ' ****************************************************** ' 最後にシートを追加 ' ****************************************************** function AddSheetLast( MyBook, SheetName ) Dim Worksheet Dim Worksheet2 Dim nSheets nSheets = MyBook.Worksheets.Count Set Worksheet = MyBook.Worksheets( nSheets ) Worksheet.Activate Call MyBook.Worksheets.Add(,Worksheet) Set Worksheet2 = MyBook.ActiveSheet on error resume next Worksheet2.Name = SheetName on error goto 0 AddSheetLast = Worksheet2.Name end function ' ****************************************************** ' Excel 実行 ( NT5.0 以上 ) ' ****************************************************** Function ExcelLoad(strPath) Call WshShell.Run( "RunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,ShellExec_RunDLL " & _ strPath ) End Function ' ****************************************************** ' 上書き保存 ' ****************************************************** Function ExcelSave(MyBook) MyBook.Save End Function ' ****************************************************** ' シートを削除 ' ****************************************************** function DeleteSheet( MyBook, SheetName ) Dim Worksheet Set Worksheet = MyBook.Worksheets( SheetName ) on error resume next Worksheet.Delete on error goto 0 end function ' ****************************************************** ' 指定行の高さを設定 ' ****************************************************** Function ExcelSetRowHeight(MyBook, strSheetName, row, Height) MyBook.Sheets(strSheetName).Rows(row).RowHeight = _ Height End Function ' ****************************************************** ' 指定列の幅を設定 ' ****************************************************** Function ExcelSetColumnWidth(MyBook, strSheetName, column, Width) Dim strColumn strColumn = Chr(Asc("A") + column - 1) MyBook.Sheets(strSheetName).Columns(strColumn).ColumnWidth = _ Width End Function ' ****************************************************** ' 範囲選択 ' ****************************************************** Function ExcelRange(MyBook, strSheetName, nX1, nY1, nX2, nY2 ) Dim Sheet,strRange Set Sheet = MyBook.Sheets(strSheetName) Sheet.Select strRange = Chr(Asc("A") + nX1 - 1) & nY1 & ":" strRange = strRange & Chr(Asc("A") + nX2 - 1) & nY2 Sheet.Range(strRange).Select End Function ' ****************************************************** ' 範囲の上に罫線 ' ****************************************************** Function ExcelLine( nLineType, nWeight ) With ExcelApp.Selection.Borders(xlEdgeTop) .LineStyle = nLineType .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic .Weight = nWeight End With End Function ' ****************************************************** ' 範囲の右に罫線(*追加*) ' ****************************************************** Function ExcelLineRight( nLineType, nWeight ) With ExcelApp.Selection.Borders(xlEdgeRight) .LineStyle = nLineType .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic .Weight = nWeight End With End Function ' ****************************************************** ' 範囲に罫線 ' ****************************************************** Function ExcelBox( nLineType, nWeight ) With ExcelApp.Selection.Borders(xlEdgeTop) .LineStyle = nLineType .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic .Weight = nWeight End With With ExcelApp.Selection.Borders(xlEdgeLeft) .LineStyle = nLineType .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic .Weight = nWeight End With With ExcelApp.Selection.Borders(xlEdgeRight) .LineStyle = nLineType .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic .Weight = nWeight End With With ExcelApp.Selection.Borders(xlEdgeBottom) .LineStyle = nLineType .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic .Weight = nWeight End With End Function ' ****************************************************** ' 文字列の横位置を指定(*追加*) ' ****************************************************** Function ExcelHAlign() ExcelApp.Selection.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenterAcrossSelection End Function Function ExcelHAlign2() ExcelApp.Selection.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter End Function ' ****************************************************** ' 文字列の縦位置を指定(*追加*) ' ****************************************************** Function ExcelVAlign() ExcelApp.Selection.VerticalAlignment = xlCenter End Function ' ****************************************************** ' シート名によるシート選択 ' ****************************************************** Function ExcelSelectSheet(MyBook, strSheetName) MyBook.Sheets(strSheetName).Select End Function ' ****************************************************** ' テーブル設計書用フォーマット ' ****************************************************** Function Format_Table(MyBook,SheetName) 'テーブル設計書フォーマット作成 Call ExcelSelectSheet(MyBook, SheetName) ' Call Format_Page(MyBook) Call ExcelSize_Table(MyBook, SheetName) Call ExcelLine_Table(MyBook, SheetName) Call ExcelSetText_Table(MyBook, SheetName) End Function ' ****************************************************** ' セルサイズの設定 ' ****************************************************** Function ExcelSize_Table(MyBook, Target) Dim i 'セルの高さ合わせ Call ExcelSetRowHeight(MyBook, Target, 1, 13.50) Call ExcelSetRowHeight(MyBook, Target, 2, 24.50) Call ExcelSetRowHeight(MyBook, Target, 3, 13.50) Call ExcelSetRowHeight(MyBook, Target, 4, 24.50) Call ExcelSetRowHeight(MyBook, Target, 5, 20.25) For i = 6 To nRows + 5 Call ExcelSetRowHeight(MyBook, Target, i, nRowHeight) Next 'セルの幅合わせ Call ExcelSetColumnWidth(MyBook, Target, 1, 3.50) Call ExcelSetColumnWidth(MyBook, Target, 2, 27.00) Call ExcelSetColumnWidth(MyBook, Target, 3, 0.75) Call ExcelSetColumnWidth(MyBook, Target, 4, 15.00) Call ExcelSetColumnWidth(MyBook, Target, 5, 4.50) Call ExcelSetColumnWidth(MyBook, Target, 6, 3.00) Call ExcelSetColumnWidth(MyBook, Target, 7, 0.75) Call ExcelSetColumnWidth(MyBook, Target, 8, 13.50) Call ExcelSetColumnWidth(MyBook, Target, 9, 0.75) Call ExcelSetColumnWidth(MyBook, Target, 10, 24.00) Call ExcelSetColumnWidth(MyBook, Target, 11, 12.00) End Function ' ****************************************************** ' 罫線の設定 ' ****************************************************** Function ExcelLine_Table(MyBook, Target) Dim i ' BOX罫線 Call ExcelRange(MyBook, Target, 1, 1, 11, nRows + 5 ) Call ExcelBox(xlContinuous, xlMedium) ' 上罫線 Call ExcelRange(MyBook, Target, 1, 2, 11, 2 ) Call ExcelLine(xlDot, xlThin) Call ExcelRange(MyBook, Target, 1, 3, 11, 3 ) Call ExcelLine(xlContinuous, xlThin) Call ExcelRange(MyBook, Target, 1, 4, 11, 4 ) Call ExcelLine(xlDot, xlThin) Call ExcelRange(MyBook, Target, 1, 5, 11, 5 ) Call ExcelLine(xlContinuous, xlMedium) Call ExcelRange(MyBook, Target, 1, 6, 11, 6 ) Call ExcelLine(xlContinuous, xlMedium) for i = 7 to nRows + 5 Call ExcelRange(MyBook, Target, 1, i, 11, i ) Call ExcelLine(xlDot, xlThin) Next ' 右罫線 Call ExcelRange(MyBook, Target, 1, 6, 1, nRows + 5 ) Call ExcelLineRight(xlDot, xlThin) Call ExcelRange(MyBook, Target, 2, 1, 2, 2 ) Call ExcelLineRight(xlContinuous, xlThin) Call ExcelRange(MyBook, Target, 2, 5, 2, nRows + 5 ) Call ExcelLineRight(xlContinuous, xlThin) Call ExcelRange(MyBook, Target, 4, 5, 4, nRows + 5 ) Call ExcelLineRight(xlContinuous, xlThin) Call ExcelRange(MyBook, Target, 5, 6, 5, nRows + 5 ) Call ExcelLineRight(xlDot, xlThin) Call ExcelRange(MyBook, Target, 6, 3, 6, nRows + 5 ) Call ExcelLineRight(xlContinuous, xlThin) Call ExcelRange(MyBook, Target, 8, 1, 8, 4 ) Call ExcelLineRight(xlContinuous, xlThin) Call ExcelRange(MyBook, Target, 10, 1, 10, nRows + 5 ) Call ExcelLineRight(xlContinuous, xlThin) End Function ' ****************************************************** ' セルのテキストの設定 ' ****************************************************** Function ExcelSetText_Table(MyBook, Target) Dim i Call ExcelRange(MyBook, Target, 1, 1, 7, 49 ) Call ExcelVAlign() ' 1行目 Call ExcelSetCell(MyBook, Target, 1, 1, " システム名") Call ExcelSetCell(MyBook, Target, 3, 1, " サブシステム名") Call ExcelSetCell(MyBook, Target, 9, 1, " テーブルID") Call ExcelRange(MyBook, Target, 9, 1, 10, 1 ) Call ExcelHAlign() Call ExcelRange(MyBook, Target, 9, 2, 10, 1 ) Call ExcelVAlign() Call ExcelSetCell(MyBook, Target, 11, 1, "ページ") Call ExcelRange(MyBook, Target, 11, 1, 11, 1 ) Call ExcelHAlign() Call ExcelRange(MyBook, Target, 11, 2, 11, 2 ) Call ExcelHAlign() Call ExcelRange(MyBook, Target, 11, 2, 11, 2 ) Call ExcelVAlign() ' 2行目 Call ExcelSetCell(MyBook, Target, 11, 2, "/") Call ExcelRange(MyBook, Target, 11, 2, 11, 2 ) ' 3行目 Call ExcelSetCell(MyBook, Target, 1, 3, " テーブル名") Call ExcelSetCell(MyBook, Target, 7, 3, "種別") Call ExcelRange(MyBook, Target, 7, 3, 8, 3 ) Call ExcelHAlign() Call ExcelSetCell(MyBook, Target, 9, 3, "作成日") Call ExcelRange(MyBook, Target, 9, 3, 10, 3 ) Call ExcelHAlign() Call ExcelSetCell(MyBook, Target, 11, 3, "作成者") Call ExcelRange(MyBook, Target, 11, 3, 11, 3 ) Call ExcelHAlign() ' 4行目 Call ExcelRange(MyBook, Target, 8, 4, 8, 4 ) Call ExcelHAlign2() Call ExcelVAlign() Call ExcelRange(MyBook, Target, 10, 4, 10, 4 ) Call ExcelHAlign2() Call ExcelVAlign() Call ExcelRange(MyBook, Target, 11, 4, 11, 4 ) Call ExcelHAlign2() Call ExcelVAlign() ' 5行目 Call ExcelSetCell(MyBook, Target, 1, 5, " 列名") Call ExcelSetCell(MyBook, Target, 3, 5, "データ型") Call ExcelRange(MyBook, Target, 3, 5, 4, 5 ) Call ExcelHAlign() Call ExcelSetCell(MyBook, Target, 5, 5, "サイズ") Call ExcelRange(MyBook, Target, 5, 5, 6, 5 ) Call ExcelHAlign() Call ExcelSetCell(MyBook, Target, 7, 5, " 説明") Call ExcelSetCell(MyBook, Target, 11, 5, "主キー") Call ExcelRange(MyBook, Target, 11, 5, 11, 5 ) Call ExcelHAlign() Call ExcelVAlign() for i = 6 to nRows + 5 Call ExcelSetCell(MyBook, Target, 1, i, i - 5) Call ExcelRange(MyBook, Target, 1, i, 1, i ) Call ExcelHAlign() Call ExcelRange(MyBook, Target, 11, i, 11, i ) Call ExcelHAlign() next Call ExcelRange(MyBook, Target, 1, 1, 1, 1 ) End Function ' ****************************************************** ' ヘッダー,余白の指定 ' ****************************************************** Function Format_Page(MyBook) on error resume next With MyBook.ActiveSheet.PageSetup .CenterHeader = "&18&A" .PaperSize = xlPaperB4 ' .LeftMargin = ExcelApp.InchesToPoints(0.393700787401575) ' .RightMargin = ExcelApp.InchesToPoints(0.196850393700787) ' .TopMargin = ExcelApp.InchesToPoints(0.551181102362205) ' .BottomMargin = ExcelApp.InchesToPoints(0.393700787401575) ' .HeaderMargin = ExcelApp.InchesToPoints(0.196850393700787) ' .FooterMargin = ExcelApp.InchesToPoints(0.196850393700787) End With on error goto 0 End Function ' ****************************************************** ' シングルクォートで囲む ' ****************************************************** Function Ss( strValue ) Ss = "'" & strValue & "'" End Function ' ****************************************************** ' DB接続(SQLServer) ' ****************************************************** Function SQS_DBConnect( _ Connection, _ Server, _ DB, _ User, _ Pass _ ) Dim ConnectionString ConnectionString = _ "Provider=SQLOLEDB;" & _ "Data Source=" & Server & ";" & _ "Initial Catalog=" & DB & ";" & _ "User ID=" & User & ";" & _ "Password=" & Pass & ";" if IsEmpty( Connection ) then Set Connection = CreateObject( "ADODB.Connection" ) end if on error resume next Connection.Open ConnectionString if Err.Number <> 0 then SQS_DBConnect = "ERROR:" & Err.Description else SQS_DBConnect = "" end if on error goto 0 End Function ' ****************************************************** ' DB終了処理(接続を閉じる) ' ****************************************************** Function DBClose( _ CnRs _ ) On Error Resume Next If CnRs.State >= 1 Then CnRs.Close End If On Error Goto 0 DBClose = True End Function ' ****************************************************** ' DB読込み ' 【戻り値】: True(データ有り),False(データ無し) ' ****************************************************** Function DBGet( _ Connection, _ Record, _ SqlQuery, _ bUpadateFlg _ ) if IsEmpty( Record ) then Set Record = CreateObject( "ADODB.Recordset" ) end if Dim ConstCheck ' 閉じていない時は閉じる If Record.State >= 1 Then Record.Close End If ' 更新処理に使用する場合は、レコード単位の共有的ロック If bUpadateFlg Then ConstCheck = adLockOptimistic if IsEmpty( ConstCheck ) then Record.LockType = 3 else Record.LockType = adLockOptimistic end if else ConstCheck = adLockOptimistic if IsEmpty( ConstCheck ) then Record.LockType = 1 else Record.LockType = adLockReadOnly end if End If ' レコードセット作成 Record.Open SqlQuery, Connection If Record.State >= 1 Then If Record.EOF Then DBGet = False Else DBGet = True End If else DBGet = False end if End Function </SCRIPT> </JOB>
関連する記事 VBScript : Excel.Application でファイルを複数選択する